Friday, October 10, 2014

Fort Fincastle, Nassau, Bahamas

In going through some old photographs, I found these two photos that I took of the tower at Fort Fincastle in Nassau, Bahamas back in 1993. In doing some research I found that the water tower at the fort was constructed in 1928 and has a light atop it that is an aid to navigation. The fort itself dates to the 1790's.


  1. Hi Neal I have some old photos of this too from when I went to the Bahamas years ago, not as clear as yours and I really didn't know what it was till I read your article. Thanks for your research!

    1. Thanks Mary Beth. Always nice to find that something is "other than meets the eye". I always find the Lighthouse Directory (Rowlett UNC) is a great spot for starting research. Cheers.

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