Tuesday, September 22, 2009

L'Etete Passage (Green's Point), L'Etete, New Brunswick

This lighthouse is located on the Bay of Fundy near L'Etete, New Brunswick. It is near the ferry terminal for the Deer Island Ferry. It was established in 1879 and inactive since 1999. It is currently owned by the Green's Point Lighthouse Association. Photos taken in Sept. 2009.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. Missed your comment when you originally posted it.

  2. Nice to see the Green's Point Lighthouse on your blog. Many books on lighthouses in Eastern Canada fail to mention this lighthouse at all. Other than being in a beautiful location it is also a premier spot for birders. My family is fortunate to live in the Assistant Lightkeepers cottage that we are rescuing and we live there year round. Best Wishes on your blog I enjoy it very much.

    1. Thank you. Since my daughter lives in N.B. I am able to get to quite a few out there when I visit. Hope to get a few more this summer. Thanks again for your comment. Cheers. Neal
