Thursday, March 27, 2014

Boatswain Point Light, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

The Boatswain Point Light is a beacon that is located in a residential area in the northwest part of the island of Grand Cayman. It is a 20 foot skeletal tower on a concrete base. A light was first established in this area in approximately 1930, but the date of construction of the current beacon is not known. Photos taken in March 2014.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Punta Langosta Lighthouse, San Miguel de Cozumel, Isla de Cozumel, Mexico

It is believed that a light was established at this point near the centre of the town of San Miguel de Cozumel on the Isla de Cozumel, Mexico in the early 1900's. The date of the current Punta Langosta Lighthouse is not known. It was active until the construction of the Punta Ealetita Lighthouse about 1 mile south in around the year 2000. It currently sits in a shopping/restaurant complex at the base of the Punta Langosta Pier and cruise ship dock. The light is now privately owned but has been reactivated to assist boats in the harbour.  Photo was taken in March 2014.

Punta Ealetita Lighthouse, San Miguel de Cozumel, Isla de Cozumel, Mexico

The 121 foot tall Punta Ealetita Lighthouse is situated just south of the centre of the town of San Miguel de Cozumel on the west side of the Isla de Cozumel, Mexico. It is a fairly new lighthouse and may have been constructed around the year 2000. The light is active. Apologies for the water spots on the rainy day closeup photo.  Photos taken in March 2014.

Punta Celerain Lighthouse (El Faro de Punta Celerain), Isla de Cozumel, Mexico

The Punta Celerain Lighthouse is located at the South West tip of the Isla de Cozumel, Mexico. It is in the Parque Punta Sur, an ecological park. The site was established in around 1908 and the current 85 foot concrete tower was constructed in 1934. The light remains active. There are remains of perhaps two previous lighthouses near the current tower. It is now also a tourist attraction and small museum and visitors are able to climb the tower. Photos taken in March 2014.

Key West Lighthouse, Key West, Florida

The U.S. established a naval base in Key West in 1823 which caused there to be a need for lighthouse. The first lighthouse was established in 1823 but destroyed by a hurricane in the 1840's. The current 65 foot tall lighthouse was opened in 1848 and was decommissioned in 1969. It now serves as a museum. The grounds are very well kept and there are a number of sculptures/statues to add to the ambience. The photos were taken in March 2014.
Keeper's Quarters

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Grand Cayman Memorial Light, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

The Grand Cayman Memorial Light sits in the harbour in George Town on Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands. It is a concrete tower topped with a skeletal mast and a red beacon. It was constructed in 1980 as a memorial to the Caymanian Seamen who have lost their lives following the Caymanian tradition of going down to the sea in ships.  The beacon is active.  Photos taken in March 2014.

Buck Island Lighthouse, Buck Island, U.S. Virgin Islands

The Buck Island Lighthouse is found on Buck Island which is situated approximately two miles South of the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The island is now the Buck Island National Wildlife Refuge.  The original lighthouse is a colonial style square steel tower that was built by the Danish Government in 1913 when the island was part of the Danish West Indies. The island became part of the U.S. Virgin Islands in 1919.  The original lighthouse was active until the 1990's when a new taller steel tower was build a short distance away (as seen in the photos).  At the time of taking these photos in March 2014, the original lighthouse appears in poor condition. It is on the endangered list of lights.  

Grand Turk Lighthouse, Grand Turk, Turks and Caicos

The Grand Turk Lighthouse sits at the northern tip of the island of Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean. The sixty foot tall cast iron light was constructed in England and then shipped to Grand Turk where it was assembled in 1852.  The light was automated in 1972 and was reactivated in 1998. Photos taken in March 2014.